Title of the article Law regulation of Ukrainian public prosecution service enforcement activities outside the criminal justice
prosecutor of the department of supervision over laws observance by agencies fighting organized crime, Dnipropetrovsk Region Prosecutor’s Office, PhD in Law, rams2000@ukr.net
Journal Scientific theoretical and practical journal
“Journal of the National Prosecution Academy of Ukraine”
Issue 4’2016
Pages [43–50]
Abstract The article is devoted to peculiarities of law regulation of Ukrainian public prosecution service enforcement activities outside the criminal justice, clarifying its specifics, the fulfilment of its laws and regulations analysis system by giving own suggestions of its source classification by levels that have been detalized by groups, which in turn were further differentiated depending on the regulatory act type. Regulatory acts that are separate elements of the law regulation of Ukrainian public prosecution service enforcement activities outside the criminal justice have been analyzed and are its original base.
Keywords public prosecution service; law enforcement activities outside the criminal justice; international documents; national regulatory acts; judicial practice; Ukrainian prosecution local regulations.
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